Best of... again!

Thank you to the readers of the Dodgeville Chronicle for naming us the area's Best Lunch, Best Dinner, Best Burger and Best Restaurant in their 2014 Readers Poll.

Best Lunch
For two years in a row, Bob’s Bitchin’ BBQ received the most votes in this category. Bob also sells his BBQ sauces at the restaurant. Second place went to The Cook’s Room, downtown Dodgeville. Pizza Hut and The Red Room, both of Dodgeville also received votes.

Best Dinner
Better get there early in the evenings because Bob’s Bitchin’ BBQ fills up fast. It might be because they have the best dinner according to our readers. Second place went to Barn 23, Dodgeville. Ludden Lake, Mineral Point and Tower Junction, Montfort were also vote getters.

Best Burger
Perfectly cooked in a tasty bun and served to you at your table, you will be assured of biting into the best burger if you are at Bob’s Bitchin’ BBQ, Dodgeville. Don’t forget to put on your favorite bbq sauce too. Second place goes to Tony’s Tap of Mineral Point. Voters also say Midway Bar, Mineral Point and A&W, Dodgeville are great places to grab a burger to your liking.

Best Restaurant
Still going strong in downtown Dodgeville, Bob’s Bitchin’ BBQ was named Best Restaurant second year in a row. From sandwiches to ribs to briskets, voters say you can’t go wrong. Top it all off with his special sauces, seven in total, for a real treat. Tower Junction, Montfort was voted second place for this category. Barn 23 of Dodgeville is also a popular place.